Z - Islamic Glossary

Za'ir ()
Visitor, someone visiting the tomb of the prophet.(Source:Taha Publication)

Zabaniya ()
"Violent thrusters", the angels who thrust people into hellfire, who are nineteen in number.(Source:Taha Publication)  

Zabaniya ()
"The violent thrusters", the angels who thrust people into hellfire, who are nineteen in number.(Source:Taha Publication)  

Zabur (za-boor)
Arabic name for the holy scripture revealed to Prophet David thousands of years ago. For Muslims, the Zabur, analogous to the Christian Psalms, was a scriptural precursor to the Qur'an, just as David was a predecessor of Muhammad in the history of divinely revealed monotheism. (Source:CIE)  

Zabur ()
The psalms of da'ud.(Source:Taha Publication)

Zahid ()
Someone whose heart has no inclination or attachment for this world.(Source:Taha Publication)  

Zahir ()
Apparent, probablistic; a zahir text can mean one of two or more things.(Source:Taha Publication)  

Zahiriya ()
A school of fiqh which derived its judgements from the literal (zahir) text of the qur'an and the sunna and rejected ray, qiyas, istihsan, taqlid, and other legal principles. it was called the da'udi school after its founder, da'ud ibn khalaf. the only time it was connected to political power was under the muwahhid ruler, ya`qub al-mansur (580/1184 - 591/1195). the famous sufi, muhyi'd-din ibn 'arabi was a zahiri in fiqh.(Source:Taha Publication)  

Zakah (za-kaah)
Zakah literally means "purification," and refers to an almsgiving tax, roughly 2.5% of one's accumulated wealth, that eligible Muslims pay annually. Zakah is one of the "five pillars" of Islam, and is usually collected by local masjids or charitable organizations. The funds are distributed to poor and needy persons in the Muslim community. Paying the zakah reminds Muslims of the duty to help those less fortunate, and that wealth is a trust from God rather than something to be taken for granted.(Source:CIE)  

Zakah (ZAKAAT)
One of the five pillars of Islam is Zakah, which means purification and increment of one's wealth.

A Muslim who has money beyond a certain quantity is to pay the Zakah. It is also called the alms due or poor due. It is to be used in eight categories for welfare of the society that are mentioned in the Qur'an, namely: the poor, the needy, the sympathizers, the captives, the deptors, the cause of Allah, the wayfarers, and for those who are to collect it.

The amount to be collected is 2.5%, 5%, or 10%, depending on the assets and the method used to produce it. For example, it is 2.5% of the assets that have been owned over a year, 5% of the wheat when irrigated by the farmer, and 10% of the wheat that is irrigated by the rain.

Zakah al-Fitr ()
A small obligatory head-tax imposed on every Muslim who has the means for himself and his dependants. It is paid once yearly at the end of Ramadan before Eid al-Fitr.(Source:IslamIQ)  

Zakah Al-Mal ()
The Muslims' wealth tax: One must pay 2.5% of one's yearly savings above a certain amount to the poor and needy Muslims. The Zakah is compulsory on all Muslims who have saved (at least) the equivalent of 85g of 24 carat gold at the time when the annual Zakah payment is due.(Source:IslamIQ)  

Zakaria (Zacharia Zakarya Zacharya)
Prophet of God and father of John the Baptist(Source:IslamiCity)  

Zakariyya ()
The prophet zacharia, the father of yahya, john the baptist, and guardian of maryam.(Source:Taha Publication)  

Zakat ()
One of the five pillars of islam. it is a wealth tax paid on certain forms of wealth: gold and silver, staple crops, livestock, and trading goods. as regards its distribution, see qur'an 9:60.(Source:Taha Publication)  

Zakat al-fitr ()
A small obligatory head-tax imposed on every muslim who has the means for himself and his dependants. it is paid once yearly at the end of ramadan.(Source:Taha Publication)

Zakatu-rid Tijaarah ()
Zakah of profits of merchandise.(Source:IslamIQ)  

Zakatul Huboob ()
Zakah of grain/corn.(Source:IslamIQ)  

Zakatul Ma'dan ()
Zakah of minerals.(Source:IslamIQ)  

Zakatur Rikaaz ()
Zakah of treasure/precious stones.(Source:IslamIQ)  

Zalim (Thalim)
The wrong-doer, he who exceeds the limits of right, the unjust.(Source:Prof. Ishaq Zahid)  

Zalim ()
A person who is unjust and oppressive, a tyrant. zuhr: the midday prayer.(Source:Taha Publication)  

Zaman ()
Linear time.(Source:Taha Publication)  

Zamzam ()
The sacred well inside Al-Haram ash-Shareef in Makkah. (Source:Prof. Ishaq Zahid)  

Zamzam ()
The well in the haram of makka.(Source:Taha Publication)  

Zandaqa ()
Heresy. this is an arabicised persian word. the term had been used for heterodox groups, especially manichaeans, in pre-islamic persia, and hence it was originally applied to magians.(Source:Taha Publication)  

Zann ()
Opinion, supposition, conjecture, speculation.(Source:Taha Publication)  

Zarruq, ahmad ()
Ahmad ibn ahmad, abu'l-`abbas zarruq al-burnusi, born in fez in 846/1442. a sufi, maliki scholar and muhaddith who studied fiqh in fez, cairo and madina and then became a sufi and withdrew from worldly things and took to wandering. he was a renowned shaykh of the shadhiliya tariqa. he was considered the al-ghazali of his time. he wrote about thirty commentaries on the hikam of ibn `ata'llah. he died in takrin, libya in 899/1493.(Source:Taha Publication)  

Zawa'id ()
Abundance of lights of spiritual illumination in the heart.(Source:Taha Publication)  

Zawahir ()
Plural of zahir.(Source:Taha Publication)  

Zawiya ()
A "corner", small mosque, or religious retreat, often where the shaykh teaches.(Source:Taha Publication)  

Zayd ibn thabit ()
Abu kharija, born in madina eleven years before the hijra and raised in makka, he was one of the scribes who recorded the qur' an. his father was killed when he was six and he emigrated at the age of eleven to madina. when 'umar travelled from madina, he left zayd in his place until he returned. ibn `abbas used to visit him to learn from him. he wrote out the qur'an in the time of abu bakr and copied out the copies of the qur'an for `uthman. when he died in 45/665, abu hurayra said, "the scholar of this nation has died today."(Source:Taha Publication)  

Zaydites ()
The "fiver" shi'a. they followed zayd ibn `ali, the grandson of al-husayn. they say that any of the ahl al-bayt can be the imam. they are mu'tazilite in doctrine and rather puritanical. sufism is forbidden by them.(Source:Taha Publication)  

Zendiq ()
One who goes so far into innovated and deviant beliefs and philosophizing, etc. without sticking to the truth found in the Qur'an and the Sunnah to such an extreme extent that they actually leave Islam altogether.

Zihar ()
An oath by the husband that his wife is like his mother's back, meaning she is unlawful for him. it was a form of divorce in the jahiliyya, not permitted in islam.(Source:Taha Publication)  

Zina (Zena)
Illegal sexual intercourse and embraces both fornication and adultery. (Source:Prof. Ishaq Zahid)  

Zina ()
Unlawful sex, adultery, fornication.(Source:Taha Publication)  

Zindiq ()
A term used to describe a heretic whose teaching is a danger to the community or state. originally under the sasanids it was a free thinker, atheist or dualist. it was particularly applied to those influenced by the doctrines of manichaeanism, a dualistic syncretism of pagan, gnostic, magian, judaeo-christian and indian traditions which experienced a revival in iraq near the end of the umayyad period.(Source:Taha Publication)  

Ziyada ()
Pleonastic embellishment, the addition of a superfluous word or preposition which has no effect on the actual meaning.(Source:Taha Publication)

Ziyadatu thiqa ()
An addition by someone who is trustworthy.(Source:Taha Publication)  

Ziyara ()
Visit to tomb or holy places.(Source:Taha Publication)  

Zufar ibn al-hudhayl ()
One of the more prominent pupils of abu hanifa. he was considered to be the most perceptive in the correct use of analogy in legal reasoning. no books are transmitted from him. he was qadi in basra where he died in 158/775 at the age of 84.(Source:Taha Publication)  

Zuhd ()
Making do with little of this of world and leaving what you do not need.(Source:Taha Publication)  

Zuhhad ()
Plural of zahid.(Source:Taha Publication)  

Zuhr ()
the obligatory salaah, prayer, that is performed in the afternoon right after the sun moves away from it's zenith.

Zulaykha ()
The name given for the wife of the 'aziz in the story of the prophet yusuf.(Source:Taha Publication)  

Zulm ()
Injustice, iniquity, tyranny.(Source:Taha Publication)  

Zuyaf ()
Debased coins(Source:Taha Publication)


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